HOWTO beat high pram-repair costs by 3D printing replacement parts →

August 8th, 2011

The future is coming!

The Void Trilogy (no spoilers)

August 6th, 2011

I just finished reading Peter F Hamilton's Void Trilogy. It's taken a long time!

Despite the story being extraordinarily long (and perhaps drawn out, though not nearly as bad as Lord of The Rings) it's pretty epic. It's set so far in to the future that some of the technology is hard to get your head around. It introduces quite a few ideas, such as what if we could share emotions directly? As with many of his books, he kind of puts ideas in there, but doesn't dwell on discussing pros/cons. However, this story does do some exploration of how good ideas can go pretty 'wrong'.

There's a fair bit of morality, and techno-spirituality even.

A comic about the real scientific process →

August 5th, 2011


Color video from Hiroshima – Boing Boing →

August 5th, 2011

Pluvialis: Neat tune, fun video, AWESOME dancing :P

August 5th, 2011

A French song, remixed by a 17-year-old, then some goofy Americans picked it up and made a video for it.

And, amazing leap at 3:27!

Pluvialis: Neat tune, fun video, AWESOME dancing 😛

When the tiger cub met the chimpanzee →

August 3rd, 2011