
This website is the culmination of the stuff I do. I keep my notes and status of projects here, in public. Maybe they’ll be helpful for others tackling similar problems.

I graduated from York with an Electronic Engineering degree in 2008, and been working in North London for a growing software company since. I live with my wife (we got married in Disney World in 2007) and we are both committed Christians.

We attend and help at Jubilee church in Enfield, which meets in the cinema in town. It’s a growing, exciting, solid church. Meeting in a cinema is novel; it has lots of space for the church to grow, but also presents some interesting technical challenges (relating to light and sound).

I enjoy coding and organising my digital libraries (of photos and music). I have a new interest in photography. I enjoy solving computing problems.

I’m very involved with Backyard Productions, making movies, for fun. I look after the tech; email, web and a new online database. I also get involved in Visual Effects during post production.