Prepare For the Most Mind Meltingly Realistic CGI You've Ever Seen [Video] →
November 17th, 2010Let's Play A Game: Anarchist Or Photo Op? →
November 16th, 2010More music from Tron by Daft Punk.
November 15th, 2010Disney have released a 6-minute compilation of clips from across the soundtrack. (including stuff I've not heard before)
There's quite a mix of orchestral pieces and electronic music (some quite 80s sounding, and some pretty awesome sounding)
The website isn't loading very well, so let me know if you'd like the mp3.
Getting Ready For When The Industry Tries To Kill 3D Printers →
November 11th, 2010Will we have useful, consumer-level 3D printing in our lifetimes?
Will 3D printing become cheap enough quick enough that all the problems with copyright on digital goods will still be a mess when we start copyright infringing physical goods?
LoveFilm now on PS3 – Free to Subscribers of LOVEFiLM on an unlimited £9.99 package or above →
November 11th, 2010First I've heard of subscription-based movies to a console in UK.
When The News Lets Everyone Really Participate, It Changes The Way News Works →
November 10th, 2010Conjoined twins with shared brains can pass sensory information to one another →
November 7th, 2010Fascinating!
1 photo
November 4th, 2010Exciting news. I'm hoping for big things in the years to come 🙂
Singapore's 'void decks': social engineering through empty space – Brainiac →
November 2nd, 2010It's amazing to think how architecture decisions like this can have long and wide effects on a society.
ASCII by Jason Scott / Archiveteam! The Geocities Torrent →
October 29th, 2010Geocities lives on. Yahoo deleted Geocities a year ago, but these guys made a best effort to download and archive the entire site. They made a good effort, and have a 1TB torrent of what they managed to save. Sadly, it isn't all of it.
What we were facing, you see, was the wholesale destruction of … digital heritage, the erasing and silencing of hundreds of thousands of voices, voices that representing the dawn of what one might call “regular people” joining the World Wide Web.