5 years & 2 years 8 months

February 10th, 2017

Oscar, Lewis, Joshua & Elliot had loads of fun together at the party

February 5th, 2017

27 Jan 17

January 27th, 2017

Poo 2!

January 27th, 2017

Talking of poo, my wonderful friend designed this magnificent poster!

The fascination with poo!

January 27th, 2017

Joshua loves toilet humour at the moment.. and this is not a totally new thing, he’s enjoyed laughing about poo for a couple of months now.

In the mornings he likes to have his poo-ridge for breakfast. Oscar is like ‘eurgh, no it’s not poo-ridge, it’s porridge!’ in disgust.

Every now and then he just says that his food is poo.. oh that chocolate sandwich, ‘that’s not chocolate it’s poo;’ it tastes like poo ‘I like poo’ he says. Often he then does say, ‘oh no, I don’t like poo, you can’t eat poo.’ Which we all agree with.

Sometimes we play a game where we go to the shops and mummy buys some poo but I don’t realise until it’s in my hand, or I smell it and then it’s hilarious! Sometimes I give him poo at the shop and sometimes I throw it at him- haha!

And to conclude, this fascination may have come from mummy, shouting ‘watch out for the poo!’ every time we walk to the car 😒 yuk!

Sibling love ❤️

January 18th, 2017

One of my favourite things about being a mummy is watching my children grow and learning about them. Oscar had his first opticians appointment this week. He’s seen me go a few times and was happy to go. When we got there he seemed excited and so grown up; he followed the instructions well and we kept on having little reassuring smiles at each other. When the test was over and the optician was writing up the results Joshua went over to him, gave him a stroke on his leg and asked him if he was alright or said well done. It was so lovely and melts my heart. I’m super proud of them both and the people that they are xxx

4 years 11 months & 2 years 7 months

January 10th, 2017

Watching The Queen's Christmas speech

December 25th, 2016

Fun at my work's Christmas party

December 10th, 2016

4 years 10 months & 2 years 6 months

December 10th, 2016