χ If this, then that →
September 12th, 2011Is Montessori The Origin Of Google & Amazon? – Forbes →
September 6th, 2011The article seems to sprawl in many (even seemingly contradictory) directions, but covers some interesting ground, and gives links to get more depth.
We Need An Identity Re-Aggregator (That We Control) →
August 31st, 2011
This is what I'm working on, with – I don't have a problem with putting stuff on other websites (facebook, google, etc) but I do want to archive it, and any conversation around it, in a place that I own.
A Look at Steve Jobs' 313 Apple Patents →
August 25th, 2011★ Resigned →
August 25th, 2011How paid FBI anti-terror informants lead “terrorist attacks” that the FBI foils →
August 24th, 2011This is astonishing. How can it be right to coerce people into breaking the law in order to prosecute them?! Is it really true? This is conspiracy theory type stuff.
“Digital natives” need help understanding search →
August 24th, 2011Feature: Feral developers: why game industry talent is going indie →
August 24th, 2011Nym Wars | jwz →
August 22nd, 2011A discussion on why Google+'s real name policy is bad, and allegedly why Google haven't gone back on the policy. Apparently some googlers have left because of it!