Dublin Trinity Orchestra plays Daft Punk →

April 30th, 2011

Quite epic 😀

F*ck You, Tiny Wings →

April 27th, 2011

I guess Tiny Wings isn't for everyone.

The realization is now →

April 23rd, 2011

Not much to add to this. Interesting thoughts.

The promise that you can get paid really well to do precisely what your boss instructs you to do is now a dream, no longer a reality.

Is AV better than FPTP? →

April 23rd, 2011

Vote YES to alternate voting

Dropbox Lack of Security – Miguel de Icaza →

April 19th, 2011

This is sad news about dropbox.

Although, thinking about it, they've had a feature for a while that makes uploads of common files (e.g. a music file that lots of people already have in their dropbox) almost instant. A few times I've noticed a file transfer up to the cloud without actually uploading. I'm pretty sure that's a good indicator it wasn't as encrypted and locked down as they make out.

★ Cutting That Cord →

April 15th, 2011

John Gruber on the state of Apple’s syncing with iOS

Apple seems to be a generation ahead of its competitors on the device side — both hardware and software — but a generation behind on the cloud side

iBooks is a glimpse to how good syncing could be. It has to be good enough that you don’t even have to think about it.

Pagination comes to Google Docs →

April 14th, 2011

This is an obvious addition to Google Docs, but I don't like that there are only fixed width views. So much content will never end up on paper, so why isn't there a basic view, that fits to the width of the window I'm editing/viewing in? Like email and websites do?

Eyewitness: Glare mile | World news | The Guardian →

April 14th, 2011

An amazing photo of London City

Rapportive →

April 12th, 2011

I've been using Rapportive for a while, and they've just added a feature that allows it to more intelligently work out who it is that emailed you.

You get a sidebar in your gmail that tells you what the person emailing you has been tweeting/facebooking etc recently. I guess it sounds creepy when you put it like that, but I like it. I can't be bothered to follow what's happening on facebook, so I like that I do get to see some of what's going on with the people I actually email.

Avaaz – Stop Wikileaks Torture →

April 8th, 2011

While reasonable people can disagree about the approach of Wikileaks and the the rights or wrongs of those who delivered information to them, the illegal torture of Bradley Manning, who has yet to receive a fair trial or be convicted of any crime, is a shameful violation of human rights and human dignity