If you need a cute pick-me-up, check out this video. Especially the fluffy thing trying to walk on the snow at 50 seconds in.
Laughing Squid Links • Red Pandas Playing In The Snow →
March 27th, 2011Google launches beautiful online magazine Think Quarterly →
March 24th, 2011Super Mario reimagined as a first-person game, conquers the castle of our hearts (video) — Engadget →
March 19th, 2011Super Mario, from Mario's perspective is terrifying!
Great documents come from great discussions →
March 17th, 2011So this is where Google Wave went!
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost swede Star Wars – Boing Boing →
March 16th, 2011lol
Amazon.co.uk: Profile For Hamilton Richardson: Reviews →
March 16th, 2011Makes me want to find and read some Mr Men books
Deep Sea: The scariest game ever →
March 14th, 2011Shuttle Discovery Comes Back to Earth for Final Time | NASA and Space Shuttles | Shuttle Discovery's STS-133 Mission | Space.com →
March 11th, 2011Apparantly in the (non-continuous) year Shuttle Discovery spent in space, it travelled more than the distance between Earth and the Sun!