Essex police charge man over water fight planned on BlackBerry Messenger | Media | The Guardian →

August 17th, 2011

Phew! It's a good job police are monitoring social networks so closely. Someone might have gotten wet.

China Gleefully Uses UK Desire For Censorship To Validate Its Own Censorship →

August 14th, 2011

Slow. Motion! OWL!! →

August 11th, 2011

Feature: How the London riots showed us two sides of social networking →

August 11th, 2011

The concluding section is worth reading.

London riots: the underclass lashes out – Telegraph →

August 9th, 2011

I think this article resonates with my sentiments over the riots, although it doesn't say anything very concrete about what the long-term solutions are.

Of course, the riots themselves are a problem that need dealing with promptly and with a balanced degree of force, but they are certainly also a symptom of a bigger problem.

It's not a problem I can pretend to understand (not being that read up on politics and social affairs), but that our society has produced so many people capable of these atrocious acts is a reflection of our society.

London riots →

August 9th, 2011

Quite a few pictures of Enfield in this collection, the town where I work.

HOWTO beat high pram-repair costs by 3D printing replacement parts →

August 8th, 2011

The future is coming!

A comic about the real scientific process →

August 5th, 2011


Color video from Hiroshima – Boing Boing →

August 5th, 2011

When the tiger cub met the chimpanzee →

August 3rd, 2011