Epic post about tea. From 1946 →

December 6th, 2011

A Nice Cup of Tea

By George Orwell

Evening Standard, 12 January 1946.

What children →

December 4th, 2011

I love these pictures, although they make children seem to have a dark imagination.

Personal victory of the day

December 2nd, 2011

Have you ever played the game where the players submit a number (a positive integer, specifically) and the lowest unique integer wins? I played strategically, with 986,543,210… and won! The other players were all to aggressive and only picked 1 or 2, making mine the lowest unique number.

The need to understand how a computer works vs how a car works →

December 1st, 2011

John Graham-Cumming discusses the discussion on Radio 4 about teaching computing in schools.

Here’s a taste:

The computer is not a machine like a car with a single purpose, it’s a meta-machine. A machine that can masquerade as other sorts of machine. … A car does one thing: moves. You need to know how to operate the movement. Well, a computer does one thing: lets you program it to do things.

If you teach someone to operate a word processor (as is done in the UK’s stupid ICT classes) you are not teaching them to use a computer at all. You are teaching them to use a word processor…