Oscar and Tigger playing Toy Story

November 12th, 2015

3 years 9 months & 17 months

November 10th, 2015


November 6th, 2015

Wales vs Whales

November 4th, 2015

We had a good chat with Oscar on our late night far drive home (I think he was avoiding sleep!) all about where Pops and GG live.

Matthew mentioned that it was strange that we’d left Wales and it was still misty (haha we don’t think Wales has the best weather) which confused Oscar a little. So, we explained to him that Pops and GG live in a place called Wales and not in a whale 🐋 like a big fish.

Oscar explained that we’d be very sad if Pops and GG were gone in a whale and that they actually just lived in a place called Wales! What a clever sausage 🌭