Wow! I can’t believe that we have been home schooling for a year already. I remember thinking that it might seem like a lot of long days and be hard thinking of new experiences but looking back it seems to have gone quickly.
It was a good year. We got into our own routine each term with different activities and plans. There’s plenty of play in our curriculum which is a big plus for me and the children (one of the reasons we chose to home ed.)
Oscar has matured and in some ways I feel that if he could start reception now, I’d probably give it a good go. We’ve had good fun trying; gymnastics, forest school, swimming, craft groups, theatre groups, library groups, park/forest meets, church groups; and having another child, Charlie!
We have had busy days and quiet days but have mostly been out and about around 3/4 times a week. I think we’ve got the balance right with that one. We always have a couple of hours at home to recharge and play and, we do a good variety of activities/socialising.
This year, again, as we’re in September I feel slightly nervous about our choice. It seems a bit more ‘real’ I suppose this year with Oscar as he would be starting year 1. Last year we lost lots of friends who were starting school and this year, we’re losing another couple of friends who are starting reception. It’s all a bit more scary.
However, we’ve started to get into our routine and flow again and there’s different bits and pieces to be excited about. We have a few ‘school/educational’ trips planned having already been to Legoland; and are planning on trying some new activities such as karate. Here we go.. Bring it on!
Caroline x