If cows can make optical illusions, maybe there is hope for the infinite monkeys with their typewriters.
No food or drink
No “electronic transmitting equipment” – do they really think they can ban all mobiles? Read the rest of this entry »
I've been working on a redesign of BYP's homepage http://bypuk.com and it's finally done!
And I've posted a making-of for the most difficult part of the redesign: getting the sidebar to show posts about the currently selected movie. http://fredsherbet.com/2011/09/using-ajax-with-wordpress/
Cory Doctorow talking about privacy. It's hard to get worried about something when the negative effects are too vague and far off. He likens it to smoking.
He also highlights the problem of education systems taking away children's privacy, while trying to tell them privacy is important. I guess it's an age old problem – we have to bring up our children, keep them safe and teach them how to live, but how do you also prepare them to be responsible adults? Responsible for their own safety, privacy and choices.
Try loading this website in all your browsers on Windows.
It's amazing how many photos are taken and kept. It's sad that so many of them are archived at low quality (by Facebook and Instagram)
Via my little brother. I got a big fat Zero 🙂
Score your colour perception! I got 16, lower is better. Tell me your results if you do it!
I bought my first Jonathan Coulton album today. He's gotten himself a real producer and studio time and professional musicians. It's good 🙂 Quite easy to listen to, and upbeat. It's got a really clean sound.
I also listened to him on a podcast with Merlin Mann, talking about the experience of entering a more professional world of music making.