Wow. I didn't know you could script in Gmail. Seems pretty powerful, but convoluted, too – you have to open google spreadsheets (!) and write the script in Java (I think)…
Gmail Snooze with Apps Script →
July 31st, 2011Basic Self-Reliance/Maker Curriculum for Kids →
July 28th, 2011Prosecutors and Grieving Parents →
July 27th, 2011Wow.
This illustrates how important it is for people to take personal responsibility for their actions and non-actions, even when under instruction from authority.
Comic-Con Alcatraz Review: J.J. Abrams strikes gold again →
July 27th, 2011Finland's high-quality, consistent education system eschews tests, reveres teachers →
July 27th, 2011The campaign for REAL Monopoly →
July 26th, 2011It's rekindled my desire to play Monopoly.
Marco adds that free parking rules are daft for injecting too much money into the game
Quickly Expel Hot Air from Your Oven-Like Car with a Japanese Door Trick [Video] →
July 26th, 2011For Caroline (who likes to whine about the hot car) x
Quickly Expel Hot Air from Your Oven-Like Car with a Japanese Door Trick [Video] →
July 26th, 2011For Caroline (who likes to whine about the hot car) x
Quickly Expel Hot Air from Your Oven-Like Car with a Japanese Door Trick [Video] →
July 26th, 2011For Caroline (who likes to whine about the hot car) x