I saw this on the interwebs, and thought of Caroline.
I saw this on the interwebs, and thought of Caroline.
I was sad to read this letter from Luma Labs today. They say one of their competitors has had a patent approved for their camera strap’s sliding connection between the sling and camera. As soon as I read this, I feared it might be my camera strap that is the competitor. Looks like it is; here’s the patent. Luma Labs claim there’s plenty of prior art, such as the US 1885 Carbine sling.
Whether or not the patent is justified, it’s sad to see patents, rather than innovation, used to stifle competition. Luma Labs have discontinued their camera sling, the Luma Loop, for fear of litigation, but have new camera strap designs in the works. I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with in December, and hopefully will be able to replace the camera strap that I’m now going to feel dirty wearing.
I’ve just read my first comic book, and quite enjoyed it.
I’ve always been kind of intrigued by comics, but never gotten in to any. The only super hero I like is Batman, so I did some research and found a good summary of where to start.
The market for powerful computers, like the Mac Pro is now, isn’t going away any time soon, but the question is whether Apple will leave that market behind (for others to take). I don’t believe that’s what we’re seeing, although that also wouldn’t surprise me.
I believe that in the same way the iPad will increasingly replace our MacBooks, the MacBook Pro and iMac are replacing our Mac Pros. The more portable, less expensive computers are stepping up to the demands traditionally made of their big brothers.
Things have been looking rocky for Apple’s most powerful computers ever since Steve Jobs likened traditional computers to trucks.
When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks, because that’s what you needed on the farm. But as vehicles started to be used in the urban centers, cars got more popular. Innovations like automatic transmission and power steering and things that you didn’t care about in a truck as much started to become paramount in cars. … PCs are going to be like trucks. They’re still going to be around, they’re still going to have a lot of value, but they’re going to be used by one out of X people. … I think that we’re embarked on that. Is the next step the iPad? Who knows? Will it happen next year or five years from now or seven years from now? Who knows? But I think we’re headed in that direction.
No food or drink
No “electronic transmitting equipment” – do they really think they can ban all mobiles? Read the rest of this entry »
I had some trouble getting transparent backgrounds to work in ‘all’ browsers, so here’s how I accomplished it. Read the rest of this entry »
There’s already lots of places to learn about AJAX, and probably lots of plugins for WordPress to enable AJAXy features. I’ve been working on adding some AJAX to bypuk.com‘s home page, to pull in summaries and links for different movies without interrupting the showreel video. I did it by customising the site’s template. The least documented part of the puzzle was getting plain HTML snippets and post lists from WordPress. Read the rest of this entry »