No food or drink
No “electronic transmitting equipment” – do they really think they can ban all mobiles? Read the rest of this entry »
No food or drink
No “electronic transmitting equipment” – do they really think they can ban all mobiles? Read the rest of this entry »
I had some trouble getting transparent backgrounds to work in ‘all’ browsers, so here’s how I accomplished it. Read the rest of this entry »
There’s already lots of places to learn about AJAX, and probably lots of plugins for WordPress to enable AJAXy features. I’ve been working on adding some AJAX to‘s home page, to pull in summaries and links for different movies without interrupting the showreel video. I did it by customising the site’s template. The least documented part of the puzzle was getting plain HTML snippets and post lists from WordPress. Read the rest of this entry »
Try loading this website in all your browsers on Windows.
I bought my first Jonathan Coulton album today. He's gotten himself a real producer and studio time and professional musicians. It's good 🙂 Quite easy to listen to, and upbeat. It's got a really clean sound.
I also listened to him on a podcast with Merlin Mann, talking about the experience of entering a more professional world of music making.
This looks like a cool new online service. As a test, I’m trying to use it to push my posts into my Google Reader shared feed.
Check it out at – you tell it when something online happens, do another thing.
(Although, in the process, I’ve found out how to create a normal RSS feed that excludes articles that have come from Buzz/Reader, so will fix my feeds properly soon!)
fredsherbet: We got The Megatome & we are the smartest. #gotmegatome #sworcery
We're so in the middle of nowhere that there's hardly any light pollution, so we can see the stars really clearly; even the Milky Way. We managed to glimpse the ISS as it passed low through the sky.
I managed to snap this picture (the first few attempts had little success, then I realised I still had the lens cap on. Oops)
Today, we went to see a castle. Sadly, half of it was missing.
I made a quick and dirty panorama with my iPhone of the view from beneath the castle.
We're on holiday in Northumberland with Matt's family this week. The sky has been very dramatic for our first night! That's the cottage we're staying in. There's nothing else nearby… Sarah says it's like The Village, Signs and The Happening movies.
PS Sorry about the watermarks – the software is too expensive, so I've made do!