Yorkshire Wildlife Park video →

April 21st, 2014

Nan-nan took us to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Here’s a short video of our trip.

Easter Egg Hunt

April 20th, 2014

Oscar having an Easter egg hunt at Pop’s and Gi-Gi’s.

Playing at Hatfield House →

April 8th, 2014

A quick video from our day playing and at Hatfield House


March 19th, 2014

Oscar is TWO today!

February 5th, 2014
Oscar is TWO today!
Oscar is TWO today!

Oscar got a Postman Pat van, a bubble gun, and we went to the zoo. We saw lots of different big cats.

Super Mario Ben →

January 23rd, 2014

Awesome video by Cousin Ben. And it was me that introduced him to the original video!

Oscar (2012-2013)

December 28th, 2013

A full 15 minutes(!) of Oscar (up until he’s almost 2)

Oscar and Family

December 28th, 2013

A “trailer” for 2013 (Oscar being 1)

Oscar Get Lucky

September 20th, 2013

Oscar singing and dancing to Daft Punk’s Get Lucky

Super Pi

August 31st, 2013

I was given a Raspberry Pi on Friday. And I got it running as a Super Nintendo today. It powers off the USB port on the TV, too 🙂