Joshua and Mummy Day

June 27th, 2016

So, Joshua and I have spent the day together today, and Oscar and Daddy have too. We’ve had a lovely time together. Joshua has been very affectionate with kisses and cuddles and we’ve had a few hilarious moments.. He’s missed Oscar and Daddy though. Here are some of those moments…

On the train there was a man blowing his nose and laughing to himself and Joshua looks at him and says, ‘what’s that?!’ a good few times. Mummy replies, ‘oh he’s just blowing his nose, etc..’ He loves that question at the moment.

At another point on the train he takes a big sniff and declares ‘poo! I can smell poo.’ I was quite impressed. It was the cow manure in the fields. Clever boy.

Now we’re at home and the boy next door but one makes unusual noises (he’s sen) and so Joshua mimics him back like they’re having their own conversation. Haha! 😳

21 Jun 16

June 21st, 2016

Wow. Brave Oscar

June 19th, 2016

That's the last time I ask Joshua to choose a bowl!

June 17th, 2016

4 years 4 months & 2 years

June 10th, 2016

Exploring Menorca

June 4th, 2016

Feeding the lambs 🐏

May 30th, 2016

Triple decker cookie

May 22nd, 2016

4 years 3 months & 1 year 11 months

May 10th, 2016

Oscar loves flowers. He's collected all the lovely ones

May 1st, 2016