4 years 4 months & 2 years

June 10th, 2016

Exploring Menorca

June 4th, 2016

Feeding the lambs 🐏

May 30th, 2016

Triple decker cookie

May 22nd, 2016

4 years 3 months & 1 year 11 months

May 10th, 2016

Oscar loves flowers. He's collected all the lovely ones

May 1st, 2016

Joshua in a sea of purple

May 1st, 2016

Oscar and Joshua April 16

April 29th, 2016

Russell’s April 2016

April 29th, 2016

I haven’t written a blog/posted photos in quite a while so thought I’d do a little overview…

April already wow wee .. Just trying to organise my 30th birthday party and starting to become a bit panicked because we’re heading towards May! We’ve had plenty of scarlet fever, coughs, colds and chicken pox so far this year and our biggest decision/prayer point at the moment is whether to home school Oscar for a couple of years!? To be decided…

Oscar’s adventures recently

  • still loving climbing and gymnastic activities.
  • improving lots on his computer games and iPad (although that’s limited by mummy to an hour a day unless we’re on a long car journey/need it as our back up.)
  • getting changed by himself and often getting ready by the door before Mummy and Daddy!
  • chatting lots and asking lots of why questions-We both love seeing how he is learning and working things out.

Joshua’s adventures recently

  • becoming cheeky and funny. He’s understanding different social clues, e.g. That if he does something funny, we laugh and he repeats.
  • loves climbing, running and playing with balls still.
  • starting to become independent with his play i.e having his own stories and what seems like more purpose to his actions (although children have purpose from babies.)
  • putting 2/3 words together to make a sentence and asking ‘what’s that?!’ lots.


Family Russell - breakfast at the new table 😊

April 28th, 2016