Oscar came to work

March 20th, 2012

Oscar visited Daddy at work today and met his team mates. He made a good impression with a consortium of noises, faces and smells.

Ozzieboy – The Movie

March 14th, 2012

Baby Oscar is welcomed into the world with this trailer thrown together on iMovie for iPhone.

Watch in HD on vimeo

Back to work

February 20th, 2012

I was back at work today, having spent two weeks with Caroline and Oscar. We’ve had lots of fun and had lots of visitors. Thanks, everyone for coming to see Oscar and helping with cooking and washing (and also for not overwhelming us!)

Oscar’s still doing really well. He has big sleeps, big feeds and big awake-and-looking times. He’s definitely looking at faces lots recently, and likes looking at black-and-white objects (like the cups you can see in the third pic below.) I can’t tell if he likes cuddles – he seems just as happy lying down as being held. He makes all sorts of funny noises and has lots of faces, but we don’t know what the faces mean.

The last few days Read the rest of this entry »

Oscar’s first week at home

February 14th, 2012

Oscar’s been home for a week now, and we’ve been having lots of fun. Click through for pictures…

Family Portraits

February 10th, 2012

We took some family portraits with our newborn baby Oscar. Thanks to Sarah for helping with the photography! Read the rest of this entry »

Home sweet home

February 8th, 2012

Oscar has been for his first drive, and is in his first home, and with his first friend. He’s celebrating with a sleep.

Oscar and Mummy are coming home!

February 8th, 2012

Caroline is recovering well and we’ll be leaving the hospital shortly. Just need a de-briefing from the midwife. Hooray!

Oscar is asleep!

February 7th, 2012

After 2 days of either feeding or crying, Oscar has finally fallen asleep.* *

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Oscar’s first website went up before he was he was 1 day old →

February 6th, 2012

Oscar’s Birth

February 5th, 2012

Oscar John Russell was born at 0015, 5th February 2012 (by c-section). He weighed in at a hefty 4.28kg (that’s 9 lb 7!). It was a long labour, and very tiring for Caroline, but Oscar was calm and healthy throughout, and Caroline did a tremendous job! Read the rest of this entry »