We’re going to the hospital

February 4th, 2012

Contractions are about every 5 minutes, but still in her back, and not so strong she can’t talk… So still not sure that this is it!

She’ll be examined and I’ll update with the result of that.

Still no news

February 4th, 2012

Caroline had contractions until 4 this morning, and has managed to get some good sleep since then. Still no sign of Oscar!

I think she’s going for the record of longest labour in history.

No news

February 3rd, 2012

Caroline managed to get a few hours sleep this evening. And I watched Jeremy Clarkson and James May drive to the North Pole.

She’s having contractions again, but still irregular, so probably try and sleep again soon.

Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes.

Explanation of stages of labour

February 3rd, 2012

This whole pregnancy thing is soo complicated, and explanations are soo varied. We’ve pieced together what’s happening.

This post sums it up pretty well. There are three stages to labour.

  1. build up
  2. pushing and birth
  3. delivering the placenta

The first stage has multiple phases (2 or 3 depending who you ask), but given how variable it all is, the distinction between the two phases of the first stage seems somewhat arbitrary.

Anyway, Caroline has been having irregular contractions for a few days, but because Oscar is a little bit back-to-back she feels the contractions in her back, rather than her front. They’ve been fairly strong since yesterday evening.

We don’t know how long it’ll be before we need to go to hospital. It could be in a few hours, or maybe I’ll be back at work on Monday and we’ll still be waiting! (Every day this week it’s been a surprise that I’m at work.)

For now, we’re gonna chill and play Lego Star Wars (in short bursts between contractions).

Labour has started! (Sort of)

February 3rd, 2012

The midwife confirmed that Oscar is fine (phew! Is this what the next 18 years are going to be like?!) and tells us Caroline has entered the first phase of the first stage of labour. Her body is getting ready, and contractions are irregular. Oscar is a little bit back-to-back so that’s why she feels the pain in her back.

Caroline is trying to get rested before the next phase.

Labour yet?

February 2nd, 2012

Caroline has been having twinges and progressively worse back pain for SIX days. Tonight we started to worry. By pressing my ear to Caroline’s belly, I could hear Oscar’s heartbeat. It’s strong and regular and a huge source of relief.

Tomorrow, Caroline will see the midwife to get an update on progress.

I didn’t realise we had THREE babies on the way!

December 11th, 2011
I didn’t realise we had THREE babies on the way!
I didn’t realise we had THREE babies on the way!

(I’m practising my Dad Humour)

Jubilee Christmas Party 2011

December 10th, 2011
Jubilee Christmas Party 2011
Jubilee Christmas Party 2011

I’ve borrowed a flash, and this is a shot at a (very dark) Christmas party. I’m pretty pleased that it’s possible to capture a nice portrait, even when it’s pretty much pitch black.

I’ve been reading Strobist, so want to get an off-camera flash. For now, I’m making do with reflecting the flash off something.

Next time, I’ll have to play with the camera more in manual mode, to try and get at least some of the background, and Christmas party atmosphere!

Caroline + Spider

November 14th, 2011

I saw this on the interwebs, and thought of Caroline.



Preparing for Firework Night

November 5th, 2011

Me and Caroline watched the beginning and ending of V for Vendetta to get us in the Firework-Night-mood